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Tuesday is Apply to Rhode Island College for Free Day

Raymond Baccari, Editor-in-Chief

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Raymond Baccari


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Rhode Island College is having the first-ever Apply to Rhode Island College for Free Day. Every Rhode Islander who applies for RIC does not have to pay the $50 application fee on Tuesday, Nov. 15. This applies to both undergraduate and graduate students’ applications for the fall and spring 2023 semesters.

“For many students, the application fee can be a barrier to entry. Apply to RIC for Free Day removes that barrier and incentivizes students to apply early, allowing them more time to plan and prepare for acceptance,” James Tweed, Dean of Enrollment Management said. “Our mission is to make higher education accessible and attainable for more Rhode Islanders and this free application opportunity is another example of our commitment.”

This initiative by the college gives those who want to apply a chance to do so without having to face any financial barriers when filling out their application. The college’s financial aid and admissions staff are also going to help out any students and/or families that need assistance with filling out their FAFSA application and Common App.

Those who fill out an application on Tuesday are going to hear from RIC’s admissions office no later than two weeks after sending it in. Applications can be started, saved and resumed on RIC’s Common App page, which is Then on Tuesday, it can be submitted without any charge.

Additional information about Apply to RIC for Free Day such as how to apply for the aforementioned workshops can be found here. The admissions office is also available to answer questions by email at

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