Alexis Rei
Opinions Editor
Hello, my name is Alexis Rei. Some of you might know me as the Opinions Editor for The Anchor or for my time as an orientation leader. However, on May 11 of this year, I will take on a new title: college graduate. Ah yes, my time at Rhode Island College has come to an end and it has most certainly brought on some pondering. Recently, I’ve been thinking about questions such as “What comes next?”, “What do I want to do?” and “Who do I want to be?” However, there is one question that I favor the most out of the various I’ve asked myself in the last month: “How will I give back?” Luckily, this question was the easiest of all.

I am beyond grateful for the education I have received at Rhode Island College, but I also recognize how lucky and privileged I am to have even received an education at all. Using my education, I aspire to make education more accessible for everyone, regardless of who they are. Now, I recognize this is no easy feat, but not doing anything is not an option for me. I was thinking about what first steps I could take to achieve my goal and I was coincidentally presented with what would be a perfect first step. In order to make education more accessible, why not invest in a school that strives to do that daily? Rhode Island College instantly came to mind. Thanks to the wonderful people at the Kauffman Center, I was able to donate money towards the school, all while receiving a cord to represent my mission. Seniors who want to donate and receive a cord can head over to the Kauffman Center to do so. There, you will be met by supportive workers who strive to fundraise for the school. Once your donation has gone through, you will be met with a smile and your very own cord to sport at graduation. Just when I thought my giving stopped there, I was proven wrong.
Rhode Island College has created its very own Giving Day on April 24. Giving Days implemented by other institutions across the country as a way for seniors, as well as other students, to give back to their school. Donating comes with numerous benefits such as funding scholarships, allocating funds to create state-of-the-art facilities supporting research that both students and the general population will benefit from. The wonderful thing about giving is that anyone can do it. Alumni, current students and graduating students are all able to donate towards RIC’s mission of providing quality education for all.
RIC’s Giving Day is not one to miss. People are even given the opportunity to donate towards a specific department or area on campus that they feel really deserves the money. RIC is a community, by helping each other out we are lifting each other up. If you’re unable to donate, that is completely okay. Other opportunities to give back to the community are available all throughout the year, so keep your eye out.