Raymond Baccari
News Editor

A search committee was created to find a new President for Rhode Island College. This comes following President Frank Sánchez’s decision that he won’t seek a third term. The committee consists of 15 members of different perspectives ranging from a former Mayor of Providence to SCG’s President.
The members of this committee are:
Tim DelGiudice, Co-Chair of Search Committee, Council on Postsecondary Education.
Rachelle Green, Esq., Co-Chair of Search Committee, Council on Postsecondary Education.
Erik Christiansen, Ph.D., President, RIC/American Federation of Teachers (RIC/AFT) Local #1819.
Alan Chille ’82, President, RIC Foundation & General Manager of the Providence Performing Arts Center.
Tom Coderre ’04, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, SAMHSA.
Barbara Cottam, Chair, RI Board of Education.
Kenneth Gilbert, Vice President, Professional Staff Association at RIC AFT (PSA@RIC/AFT) Local #3302.
Shannon Gilkey, Ed.D., Commissioner, RI Office of Postsecondary Commissioner.
Michael Gray, Chair, Governor's Workforce Board.
Angélica M. Infante-Green, Commissioner, RI Department of Education.
George Nee ‘90, President, RI AFL-CIO.
Shreena Patel ’23, President, RIC Student Community Government.
Marianne Raimondo, Ph.D., Chair, RIC Council of the College.
Angel Taveras, Esq., Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson.
Bishop Jeffery Williams, D.Min., Council on Postsecondary Education.
The expectation is that the search for RIC’s 11th President will conclude in time for them to be seated for the Fall semester. At this point in time, there are no names on the shortlist for Sánchez’s successor.
“We need to develop [a] profile from the community as to what we should look for in the next president. There’s no doubt council members have ideas but we need to hear [from] the faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders to be fully informed,” says DelGiudice, the Chairman of the Council on Postsecondary Education.
The committee itself only consists of one student: Patel. This is similar to previous compositions of these search committees. It’s expected that the student will represent the student population as a whole. That expectation is extended to representation on the committee for the faculty and staff.
DelGiudice added, “the union president represents the faculty, while the professional staff is represented by a union leader as well. It’s our expectation that they, like the student, speak for the larger body, not necessarily their personal views.”
The process of selecting a new President of the college hasn’t occurred since 2015/16 – which is before most of the current students started attending RIC. The Anchor asked how students would be able to provide additional input before a final decision is made.
“We have every expectation that there will be public forums on and off campus for students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to provide their input and thoughts on what attributes we should be searching for in the next president,” said DelGiudice. “90% of RIC graduates stay here in state for their careers and to raise their family, just as my wife and sister have done. The State of Rhode Island needs us to get this right as RIC is so important to provide Rhode Islander’s a path to college to secure their family’s future.”