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SCG holds their Executive Board Elections

Raymond Baccari and Daniel Costa

Raymond Baccari & Daniel Costa

News Editor & Asst. News Editor

Screenshot by Raymond Baccari

The main focus of last week’s SCG Parliament meeting was the Executive Board Elections to fill their Secretary, Treasurer, Speaker and Deputy Speaker positions.

Brynn Terry and Matthew Thureson were declared candidates for the Secretary position. Christal Figeureo ran as a write-in candidate for the position and was elected by the Parliament, becoming the next Secretary.

Figeureo is happy to be the new Secretary, telling The Anchor, “[Being elected Secretary] feels really exciting, it feels kind of surreal. I can’t believe that I won. I’m really excited to get started and work with other members of the Parliament to get things done around campus for students and student organizations. And I’m just really grateful [to have been elected Secretary].”

After voting Figeureo for Secretary, the Parliament elected their next Treasurer. Asley Corrales and Patrick Gibb - the previous Treasurer - were declared candidates; nobody ran a write-in candidacy. Six members of the Parliament voted for Corrales and five voted for Gibb. Neither candidate received a majority of the votes, so the Parliament had to conduct a second round of voting. In the second round, Corrales won with seven votes to Gibb’s four votes.

Corrales is ready to get started in her new role as Treasurer, saying, “I’m very honored to be in this position. I want to thank everybody for electing me, I appreciate it and I appreciate that they believe in my ability to serve as Treasurer.”

Corrales continued, “I want to help out the student clubs. We’re all trying to come back from a pandemic which is very hard on the organizations because [some] don’t have enough members. So I’m hoping to see a change in that and try to improve the campus environment and the campus life.”

Thureson was the only candidate to run for the Speaker position. The Parliament elected him unanimously. Even though Thureson declared his candidacy for Secretary, he was also a declared candidate for Speaker too.

Similar to the decision for the Speaker, the vote for Deputy Speaker was unanimous for Andreisis Concepcion Ellis, who ran unopposed.

Like Corrales and Figeureo, Ellis is happy to be elected to the Executive Board, now serving as the new Deputy Speaker.

“I’m happy that I’m going to be a part of Student Community Government [as the new Deputy Speaker]. Because I want to be part of the changes that the President and Vice President have to offer.”

The next parliament meeting will be the first with all of the Executive Board positions filled. It will be the start of the new era for SCG.


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