Chezney DaSilva-Gomes
Anchor Contributor
What do you say when someone asks you how you are?
My typical response is ok or fine.
I am okay. I am fine.
F: fed up
I: in pain
N: not good enough
E: empty
O: out of sorts
K: keep telling yourself you got it…
A: absent
Y: you’re detached
F: falling apart
I: invisible
N: numb
E: emotional
O: overlooked
K: knowing you’re at your lowest
A: anguish
Y: you sit there with a smile
I hate when our parents tell us they know us better than we know ourselves. If she knew me better than I know myself she’d know I’m not happy.
H: hurting
A: anxiety
P: paranoid
P: pathetic
Y: yelling inside
H: hopeless
A: alone
P: pitiful
P: pretending
Y: young
Does she know I feel empty sometimes? To the point where I have no motivation left in me. She thinks when I lock myself in my room I'm a typical teen who wants my own space but that’s not the case. Sometimes it tears me to pieces.
She wishes I was different. I do too. She wishes I could do everything right. I do too.