Mel Rising Dawn Cordeiro
Managing Editor

Personality quizzes have been used by a large percentage of people who use the internet. These quizzes range from telling respondents what their name means, what character from “Friends” they are or even what their holiday name is.
Those automatic personality-type quizzes seem scarily accurate at times. Other times, they don’t seem to fit respondents at all, in which case they have the option to “retake” the quiz until they find something to their liking.
It is known that Facebook uses algorithms to guide those quizzes, but the question of how accurate they are is often raised. Other questions that end up in the conversation is: Are the algorithms really a reflection of who people are? Depending on how much someone expresses themselves online, it could be a possibility.
However, those who are interested in finding the answer to that question: New Student Programs is hosting the Know Your Strengths Challenge. This challenge involves taking a test called the StrengthsFinder- Gallup Strengths Assessment. This test is so accurate that the chances of anyone having the same results as each other are one in 33 million – and for reference – there are roughly 8 billion people in the world.
This personality test will aid students in discovering themselves. It will give them an opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the finer things that make someone unique. The results can be used to self-reflect, to add skills on a resume and to problem solve areas in which one may struggle in.
To sign up for the test, use this form. The sign up period is open from Feb. 3 to Feb. 26. Beginning on Feb. 14 and lasting until Feb. 26, the link to the test will be emailed and the assessment can be taken.
Those who have completed the assessment are invited to hear more about their results on Feb. 28 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Gage 200. Eileen Wisnewski, a trainer in Gallup StrengthsFinder from Providence College, will be there to help analyze assessment results, assist in learning about personal strengths and how to apply them both inside and outside the classroom.
Normally, this assessment costs $59.99, but is being provided to students as part of this program for free. After filling out the form, New Student Programs will email the code necessary to make the assessment free to take.
Students interested in learning more about the assessment before signing up can visit the Gallup- StrengthsFinder website here.