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Indigo De Souza and ill peach perform at Fete Music Hall

Kayden Meza

Anchor Contributor

Sept. 26, 2024 Indigo De Souza and ill peach played at Fete Music Hall, in Providence. The event was general admission and provided standing room only on the ground floor with seating located only on the balcony. On the ground floor, there is an open bar that serves alcohol, soft drinks and water. There are two gender-neutral bathrooms which are accessible and inclusive of people that do not fit into the gender binary. Fete Music Hall’s staff were extremely helpful. I will definitely be going to a concert there in the future.

The opener, ill peach, is an Alternative Indie band consisting of Jess Corazza and Pat Morissey. They played songs from their album “THIS IS NOT AN EXIT” such as “HUSH,” “SOUR LIKE LEMONADE” and “BLAH BLAH BLAH,” as well as new single “WOLF LIKE ME” and their 2021 release titled “GUM.” The lead singer, Jess Corazza, drew the audience in with her intriguing vocals and captivating confidence on stage. The band's energy was reminiscent of techno dance music that warmed up the crowd with their catchy lyrics and beat. If you like a powerful woman vocalist, talented musicians and grunge music you can dance to, definitely check them out. After seeing ill peach in concert I have become a forever fan.

Photo from

After a short break, Indigo De Souza, lead vocals and guitar, and the rest of the band were on stage. This included Owen Stone on bass and Maddie Shuler on lap steel, piano and backing vocals. Before they started the set De Souza said that she would not play some songs from her earlier albums because of the bad memories they brought up; a decision universally respected by the audience. They went on to play songs from her upcoming album including “When I Die,” “Be My Love” and “Love Transcends.” But they also included “Bad Dream,” “Not My Body,” “Younger & Dumber” and “Late Night Crawler” from her albums “All of This Will End” and “Any Shape You Take.” De Souza sings these songs with such intense emotion– heartbreak, grief and rage which is exemplified through their expressions, timbre and movements. It is entrancing and makes the audience move along with her. 

I will eternally be a fan of Indigo De Souza and whatever their next projects are. The energy was great all around and I can’t wait for their next concert. Check them out if you enjoy gut wrenching lyrics and tunes that make you want to headbang.


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