Timothy Yean
Sports Editor
Approaching 2,000 followers on Instagram, Eddy Vieira’s company Hunger Breeds Success is more than just the name of his company– it’s a reflection of his life story and how the future father overcame obstacles in his life so he could help others do the same for their health and wellness.
I, with help from editor-in-chief Olivia Barone, conducted an interview with Vieira, with questions ranging from his inspiration to begin Hunger Breeds Success to future plans for himself and the company.
At eight years old Vieira was unhappy with his body. He didn’t go to the beach for over a decade and only at 20 years old could he do his first pushup or pullup.
“As a middle schooler I did not want to be alive,” Vieira said in the interview. Prayer and a positive mindset pushed him to exercise daily and bring himself to healthy eating habits and led him to open up Hunger Breeds Success in June of 2020. He decided on the company name through what he wanted to put on his tattoo and after some ideas felt “Hunger Breeds Success” resonated with him the most.
“From that moment I thought about people who are struggling who may not know where clean water, clothes, shoes, their next meal will come from and they're just starving for a chance to be successful while others in life wake up with all the basic necessities and are miserable.”
Vieira says that his company offers multiple aspects of help and growth, whether it be through daily motivation or health improvement, he provides individual help to those looking to improve their lifestyle. Vieira was also able to detail the process of finding a health plan for his clients with The Anchor.
“The process starts with giving them a test and seeing how they answer in order to figure out if they are a slow, mid or fast oxidizer; which in simpler terms means how their body breaks down food. From there I can determine how to recommend a balanced diet that will keep them happy while going through their journey.”
Mental and physical health go hand-in-hand in improving each other, Vieira says. “If you want to improve your mental health, physical fitness is a great way to do so. Physical fitness affects your mental health in many ways; the most profound is simply the difference you see in your mental health, energy, ability to solve problems, how you feel about yourself and others, happiness levels when you are exercising and eating healthy compared to when you are not.”
Change does not happen instantly, however. The RIC student explains that drastic changes will be difficult to adapt and stay consistent with; he advises fellow students to make more simpler changes such as going for daily walks or simply choosing better meals to eat. “You were given your body and everything you have for a reason; care for yourself as if it was your own child.”
Vieira’s path isn’t becoming any easier. Planning to go to graduate school, becoming a father in May 2025 and growing his brand even more makes it all the more difficult for the future RIC graduate, but his own motivation and exercises that he promotes through Hunger Breeds Success also pushes him to keep going. His girlfriend has stood with him through the process as well, and Vieira shouts her out in the interview. “Special shoutout to my beautiful intelligent girlfriend who manages to stay solid listening to every idea, thought and obstacle that comes our way.”
Some keys the founder of Hunger Breeds Success has for up-and-coming entrepreneurs? Don’t force yourself to choose between school or entrepreneurship. Stay focused, believe in yourself and “do not listen to the outside noise.” Take in everything you can learn and don’t falter at roadblocks in your path.
“Everything in life is a test to see how you can handle it and when you mess up, how can you come back from it.”