Turkey or Pork
By Sabrina Ruiz
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
Do you prefer Turkey or Pork?
Do you say grace or your blessings?
Do you say what you’re thankful for?
Beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes
Pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top
Bread and butter, more plates to go
Drinks, rice, Turkey or Pork, don’t stop
Eating to have a full belly
Surrounded by people you love
Salad, mac and cheese, and jelly
Turkey or Pork? Let's eat. All come.
What are you thankful for?
By Sabrina Ruiz
I’m thankful for the beautiful morning,
Where there’s a quiet solitude.
I'm thankful there’s no mourning
Where there’s no bad on the news.
I’m thankful for the drive to education
No accidents, injuries, or death.
I’m thankful for the days off and vacations
No work, anxiety, or stress.
I’m thankful to my friends and family
Bless them with every inch of my heart.
I’m thankful for the journey,
Where nothing will tear us apart.
I’m thankful for clothes and food,
Which is a struggle in this economy.
I’m thankful for all the good
Deeds, rewards, and problem solvings.
There’s plenty to be thankful for,
Jot a list and speak with your heart
My question to you, ask your brain to explore:
What are you Thankful for?