William Fernandes
Anchor Staff Writer
Count your blessings even when you experience
Tragedy you don’t deserve, the loss of a loved one,
A car accident, unemployment, all things that are out
of our control, it’s a test
Look at the bright side and keep your head up

You will come to realize that everybody goes
Through hard times, you are not alone
We are all in this together
Give thanks for the gift of life when you could have
not existed at all, not even a thought, you were put
on this earth for a reason, and that is to be a light to
your brothers and sisters
We all have difficulty seeing the bigger picture in the
long run, but don’t give up, keep moving, strive, live
each day with a purpose and you will be alright have an
attitude of gratitude and you will be happy now
and forever more, ever accomplished, ever fulfilled