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Creating your own opportunities

Mel Rising Dawn Cordeiro

Managing Editor

Image via Anna Tarazevich/Pexels

Every person is different. We have all grown up in different families and communities with different values, morals and socioeconomic status. We are not all created equal by society’s definition, which means that some people have different opportunities than others. In some cases, it means that individuals need to work harder to create those opportunities for themselves, as they may not exist otherwise.

Creating your own opportunities is a crucial skill to have in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. It means taking the initiative to identify and pursue new, possibly scary, avenues for growth and success rather than waiting for an opportunity to come to you. By actively seeking out opportunities and being proactive in your approach, you can expand your horizons, build new skills and achieve your goals, whether they be personal or professional.

It sounds like an ambitious endeavor, and in reality, it really is. So, how do you start creating opportunities? Here are a few tips:

First, define your goals and objectives. What is it that you want to achieve? What long term goals do you have? Once you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, you can start to identify the opportunities that will help get you there. For example, you may realize that taking an extra elective class in your major will help you become more knowledgeable in your field, which later on will help you be a better job candidate.

Secondly, network. Networking and building relationships is a crucial part of creating opportunities. Building relationships with people in your field or industry can open doors to new opportunities and can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. Look for industry or field events that are open to the public, such as town meetings for those interested in local politics. Connect with people on social media, such as on LinkedIn, and reach out to people who could mentor you. Even just a chat with someone in your field can provide you with insight, and a connection that may be beneficial later on in your career.

Third, be open to new experiences. One of the key ways to create your own opportunities is to be open to new experiences. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. This also applies to your personal life as well. Embrace challenges and look for ways to learn and grow from them. Be willing to take risks and explore new avenues, even if they seem a little unconventional or unfamiliar.

Four, develop new skills. Creating new opportunities will often require developing new skills or expanding on existing ones. Look for ways to build your current skill set, whether it’s through attending workshops, taking additional classes or even seeking out a mentor. By constantly learning and growing, you can position yourself for success in a variety of roles and industries.

Finally, take action. This is a crucial step. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you — go out, find them, and pursue them. Be proactive in your approach, meaning always being on the lookout for potential connections or openings in your field of industry. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, or ask for help either. But whether it’s pitching a new idea to a boss or colleague, or asking a few more questions of your professors, taking action is the key to creating these opportunities.

Creating your own opportunities is a mindset and a skill set. It can help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential. Being proactive will help push you to being a leader in your field or industry, and you will not be forgotten by those currently in your chosen field. Remember, the path to success is not always a straight line, but by creating your own opportunity, you can chart your own course and achieve your goals and dreams on your own terms.

It is important to note that creating your own opportunities does not mean you have to go it alone. If and when you need support, simply ask for it. There are plenty of professionals and professors who want to see you succeed. Working with others who share your goals and visions can often lead to greater opportunities and achievements.

Setbacks and challenges are normal, but it is important to persevere. It is okay to change your goals, but it is not okay to quit. Success does not happen overnight. Failure is an opportunity in and of itself for evaluation and growth. Stay focused on your goals and your end vision and you will be in control of your own destiny.

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