Dally Dixon
Asst. News Editor
Friday Jan. 27, 2024 marked the final show for the legendary Providence goth bar Dusk. Having opened its doors to the local music scene nearly 14 years ago in 2010, its self-hosted funeral was well attended. Approximately 100+ people crowded the small bar. Both the outside and inside was lovingly covered in graffiti, going as far as someone setting up a DIY graffiti station consisting of acrylic paint and brushes inside the women’s restroom.
One attendee said that “even though Dusk leaves a huge hole in the scene, the energy that keeps these places going is unkillable and more places will pop up.” Dusk regulars, predominantly Providence natives are currently hurting from rent increases. During the venue's final nights, rumors of gentrifying landlords and scheming buyers were swirling around both the internet and inside the bar, but the venue was quick to shut them down online.
Public records revealed that the loss of this phenomenal community space was a matter of settling the estate of the recently deceased 92 year old owner. “To the best of our knowledge there is no developer, specific buyer, investor, or university involved,” Dusk said over their social media platforms. “While it is devastating to us, we have to remember to not conflate the situation with rumor or conspiracy. Please keep with the spirit of Dusk and continue to make these memories happy.“

This blow comes a few months after breaking and entering and burglaries of Dusk. Dusk was given “short, but legal” notice by the bank to clear out by Feb. 1st, when the 301 Harris Ave location goes on the market. The business has stated that while it doesn’t know what the future holds, another future location is possible “if the stars align.” Many longtime patrons remain hopeful for a new Dusk location - especially after the closing of beloved basement punk house Al Dios and Olneyville bar Mayday, currently being up for sale and permanently closed after two years.
The event theme may have been “everything dies”, but as Dusk wrote online, “Rock N Roll never dies,” and no one does death like the goths.